Renegotiating Your Reality
A Mini-Course on having Your life your way, just $59!
“This ‘Renegotiating Reality’ thing made me realize that I don’t have to settle for how things are. I can advocate for what works and feels so much better.”
Time to stop settling, and start thriving.
Right now, a lot of us are living lives that aren’t working all that well for us — or for our body-minds.
In general, our lives reflect our agreements — both tacit and explicit. That includes agreements we’ve made from enthusiasm and hope, as well as agreements we’ve made by default OR while trying to please and appease others.
From moment to moment, though, our conditions and capacity to fulfill those commitments change.
Our agreements can change, too — and This mini-course shows you how.
Ready to reclaim and redirect your resources in ways that build you up rather than breaking you down? Great! This Renegotiating Your Reality Mini-Course will help you …
Adjust your mindset and viewpoints in empowering ways
Rethink your priorities, needs, and desires
Learn simple, science-based practices for self-care and replenishment
Build your energy, vitality, and resilience
Reclaim your focus, calm, and sense of center
Master the most essential survival skills of the new era
Empower yourself to make the healthy choices and changes that matter to you
Come away with a dramatically expanded sense of what is possible