Refine Your Life
(or Change It Completely)

A Step-By-Step Pathway for Joyful Life Change

Live, Six-Week Workshop Series Kicks Off Saturday, JANUARY 18!

The best thing I’ve ever done! I repeat this workshop each year — such a game-changer.
— Valerie E.

Let’s Redesign Your Future!

I’m Pilar Gerasimo. I’ve been teaching my “Refine Your Life”(RYL) method for more than 25 years now. And it has never failed to produce profound and gratifying changes for its participants — including me. That’s why I repeat the process myself every year. RYL is never exactly the same twice, and the results are always extraordinary.

Whether you’re eager to redesign your days right now, or just starting to re-imagine what your future might hold, my “Refine Your Life” 6-week workshop series is a great way to begin creating the life you most want to lead:

  • Get clear about where you are and where you want to be

  • Tap into your deepest sources of meaning and motivation

  • Clarify the changes you are willing to make now — and begin taking clear steps in the right direction

  • Take on your top-priority goals without getting overwhelmed

  • Develop a realistic plan for moving forward in the face of real obstacles

  • Build the skills you need to deal with your current reality — while honoring what’s calling next

  • Get personalized support for your change process and key next-step decisions.

Thank you so much for your support and counsel during RYL. This course has been transformative in ways I never imagined.
— Mary Kate S.

Live, guided, interactive Six-Week EXPERIENCE: $697

(Plus full-year access to all materials, community and support!)

Refine Your Life has helped me work through some serious issues. Thanks to this experience, my enhanced awareness, mindfulness and willingness has changed how I respond to things.
— Liz L.

Proven Process, Lasting Impact

You get a full year of access to all your workshop materials, bonuses, replays — plus our calendar, community, searchable content library, and more — all in one simple-to-navigate, mobile-friendly hub!

Over the years, I’ve seen my six-week “Refine Your Life” workshop curriculum work wonders for so many, I am confident that it will work for you, too.

Based on research-supported principles of Positive Psychology and behavior change, “Refine Your Life” also employs a variety of my own original tools and methods — materials that I’ve been honored to see embraced by licensed therapists in their work with clients navigating significant life transitions.

100 percent of participants surveyed say they would recommend “Refine Your Life” to a friend.

Program includes:

  • Six interactive video workshop sessions with me:

    • Each live workshop session begins at 11:00 AM CST and runs 60 to 90 minutes, with replays available immediately after each session concludes

    • Workshop sessions are scheduled as follows (subject to change):

      • Session 1: Values — January 18

      • Session 2: Vision — January 25

      • Session 3: Goals — February 1

      • Session 4: Action Planning — February 8

      • Session 5: Overcoming Obstacles — February 15

      • Session 6: Seeing and Celebrating Success — February 22

  • Plus six additional live weekly office-hours sessions on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 PM CST (starting January 21) with opportunities for one-on-one coaching and Q&A

    • If you can’t make an office hours session, replays are available immediately after each session concludes, and I’m happy to answer your questions via email!

  • A beautiful, downloadable 60-page illustrated workbook with powerful tools, interactive worksheets, and progress trackers

  • Full-year access to video replays of all sessions — captioned and searchable in one easy-to-navigate hub

  • A year’s worth of ongoing access to daily support, encouragement, and accountability via our private Refine Your Life Facebook group community (optional)

  • A value-packed BONUS BONANZA (see below)

Two options for payment:

  • One-time payment of $697

  • Two payments of $350 each (note that the 2-pay plan is not a subscription that you can cancel. If you choose the payment plan, you are agreeing to make both payments, 30 days apart, totaling $700)

Beautiful Bonuses ($539 value)

My six-week “Refine Your Life” workshop series is already a wild bargain. (I mean seriously, where else can you find a proven, 6-week LIVE, interactive workshop series with a full year of life-shifting wisdom and support for just $697?!)

And yet, I’m excited to be able to give you even MORE! Including all of the bonuses below — worth $539 all on their own — to help you get started, to help you keep going, to help you over hurdles, and to inspire you to embrace your highest and best choices every step of the way.

Best part: You get access to ALL of these sweet bonuses as soon as you sign up.

This course exceeded my expectations during the first session. I learned so much, and have already changed so much. I am excited to keep going!
— Liz A.

Personal support, real-life progress.

Historically, I have offered my “Refine Your Life” course once every couple of years as part of a week-long, intensive retreat that costs thousands of dollars and involves traveling to Mexico. But during the pandemic, I discovered that works just as well — maybe even better — online.

Because doing this program over six weeks in the context of your everyday reality gives you a chance to apply and integrate these tools and concepts when and where you actually operate.

I’ve had a number of students say they’ve gotten more out of “Refine Your Life” than they got out of big-name, big-hype, celebrity-led workshops and retreats that cost tens of thousands of dollars. But the way I see it, life change isn’t about fame, and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

So I’m happy I can make this experience available to you now, LIVE, wherever you are, at this very modest price.

Total SIX-WEEK Package Cost: $697 (or choose 2 payments of $350 each)

I am still getting so much out of the RYL course and am so happy I participated. It has set something in motion that feels entirely new and I am so appreciative.
— Patty D.

What This Program Will Help You Do …


If there was ever a time for conscious life change, it is now. Things are weird, and they are likely to get weirder as our entire society reorganizes itself around a post-pandemic reality. Meanwhile, you’ve got choices to make and challenges to tackle. And during all this, you need to safeguard your own health and vitality.

Over six weeks, “Refine Your Life” will help you:

  • Rebalance and reprioritize your daily life patterns

  • Find focus, clarity of direction, and purpose

  • Reclaim your sense of vitality and resilience

  • Ignite authentic motivation through meaning

  • Create supportive structures for achieving your goals

  • Move through periods of stress and uncertainty without getting trapped in inaction — or breaking yourself down

My “Refine Your Life” workshop came out my own life-shifting experiments and my desire to help others more easily address common barriers to change.

The content is grounded in scientific research and Positive Psychology principles, and the course materials have been used by licensed therapists in their work with individuals and groups who are navigating life change.

Renegotiate your Life’s agreements

Your current reality reflects the agreements you’ve made to date, both consciously and unconsciously. You want your life to be more rewarding, more inspired, more “you”? Create a new agreement with yourself to establish the conditions for your own health and happiness. AND then decide to have a good time doing it.

In this 6-week program, that’s exactly what we’ll be doing — working through a fun, life-shifting curriculum I originally created for myself and then shared with hundreds of others over the course of more than a decade, at leading retreat centers, high-end health clubs, and online.

If you’re interested in shifting your life, you’ve probably already read a lot of self-help and psychology books. But have you followed up on the actions steps they recommend? Have you given some of their strategies a try, and then run into all sorts of obstacles you didn’t know how to handle? Or have just gotten mired in doubt and inertia and quietly given up?

That’s what happened to me, for years, over and over again. I needed to make things simpler for myself. I needed a step-by-step approach and a clearer, more doable roadmap toward my goals and more practical strategies for addressing both my internal and external obstacles. So that’s what I created.

In my “Refine Your Life” course, I’ve laid out the key steps to conscious life change in an engaging, energizing six-week program. It comes with a 60-page interactive workbook packed with helpful exercises, explanatory illustrations, worksheets, readings, and reflective opportunities — all of which guide you through the process of shifting your life in the direction of your highest choices.

Navigate Uncertainty

Not sure how to go about creating your chosen future, or even what you want? This course is a great place to start.

Thanks to global events, life is still disrupted. But it is also flexible and open to change. So what happens next is currently up for grabs — and up to you.

We may never have a better opportunity to do the deep work of reflecting on what matters to us, reprioritizing and rebalancing our areas of focus, and shifting our daily actions and attitudes in the service of our goals.

We may also never see a more perfect moment for doing this deep work in community with others, all of whom are reflecting on many of the same, important questions:

  • How can I deal with my sense of uncertainty, anxiety, and confusion about the future?

  • What matters most to me now?

  • How would I like my life to be? What needs to change for that to happen?

  • Where have I been battling or ignoring my own values and desires? What has that been costing me?

  • How can I re-arrange and re-allocate my time, energy, money, and other resources so that they take me in the direction I want to go?

  • How can I use what I have — my current skills, strengths, and resources — to create the life I desire, and to become the person I most want to be?

  • How can I overcome obstacles and more confidently address my own gaps of confidence and courage?

  • How can I create a more gratifying, meaningful life, while also helping to co-create the world I want to live in?

And then there’s the most important question of all: When will I start living my life in accordance with my own true answers?

These are the questions we’ll be working through together in this course. And these are the answers we’ll be surfacing, week by week.

Pilar’s Refine Your Life course is amazing. And its impact is lasting. I’d recommend it to everyone.
— Diana C.

The Power of Doing This Work Together

While you CAN work through many of these questions and challenges on your own, navigating them in a focused, organized way — with me as your guide and with the support of a great group of inspired life-shifters — is a totally different, and radically more transformative experience.

Having a weekly plan and check-in schedule is also a great way to establish healthy structures, stay on track, and bust through the barriers that have been keeping you stuck.

Refine Your Life starts on January 18, 2025 at 11:00 AM CsT! Or catch the replays anytime!

Total Cost: $697 (or choose 2 payments of $350 each)

My husband and I had such an amazing time doing ‘Refine Your Life.’ It was life-changing. I frequently catch myself applying tidbits from what we learned throughout my daily life — career, relationships, health. Thank you for putting together such a great program.
— Koren B.