Un-Challenge Yourself!

a five-day healthy deviant adventure, just $49!

Feel-Good Relief, No Sweat

Feeling burned out, freaked out, and like the LAST thing you need is yet another challenge?

Wanna learn some easy-yet-effective skills to help you manage your energy, attention, and mood?

Join the club — and join this fun 5-Day Healthy Deviant Un-Challenge to see what a big difference even a quick, low-effort daily investment in your own well-being can make.

What to expect

  • DAILY ENCOURAGEMENTS: Each day, I’ll email you a short video with a simple but super-empowering “un-challenge” experiment (15-min. or less) to try that day, along with links to some related Healthy Deviant resources designed to help shift your practices and perceptions in healthier directions for the long haul.

  • SELF-PACED FLEXIBILITY: Spend as much or as little time on each suggested daily un-challenge as you like. Explore the resources at your own pace. Repeat as often as you like. Just have fun with the experiments and see what happens!

  • FEEL-GOOD SUPPORT: Join the Healthy Deviant Facebook Group (optional) to connect with me and others as you proceed through the program. Ask questions, report back on your experiments, tap into ongoing motivation and momentum with a great group of fellow humans.


  • PROVEN STRATEGIES to help you feel noticeably better — in 15 MINUTES OR LESS— even in the midst of serious challenges

  • PRACTICAL SKILLS, tools, and and original resources to keep for a lifetime

  • IMPORTANT “AHA!” INSIGHTS about your own body-mind

  • AN OPPORTUNITY TO CONNECT WITH OTHERS in a positive, purpose driven community

how it works

  • Every day, I’ll email you with one easy, feel-good “un-challenge” experiment — an experiment designed to help you relax, restore, and reclaim lost vitality.

  • Each day’s email will include links to a short how-to video and some additional supportive materials that you can dig into whenever you like.

  • Working together, we’ll rise to the real-life challenges of being healthy in an unhealthy world, and come out the other side feeling and functioning better than we might have thought possible.

Want in on the 5-Day Un-Challenge? Let’s get the party started!


Want to Know More About Healthy Deviance?

In essence, it’s the art of being healthy in an unhealthy world. You don’t HAVE to read my book, The Healthy Deviant, to be a Healthy Deviant or get a ton out of this program, but if you want to check it out, you can grab a free preview here or find options for purchasing the print and audiobook here.